Call us today, and let’s talk about your situation. This modern technology is a powerful effective way to address areas of concern, and make a difference in your body contours. These processes work, and can change the way you look forever.


  1. What can be treated with radio frequency RF?

    RF isn’t effective way to improve skin, tightness and elasticity, reduce wrinkles and cellulite, and boost the overall condition of the area of the body, such as face, chin, upper arm, abdomen, thighs, broad line or buttocks.

  2. Is ultrasound, cavitation and RF painful?

    Cavitation NRF is a painless treatment. Mild redness may appear occasionally, but it is highly unlikely to cause any actual pain.

  3. What kind of results can one expect?

    Cavitation treatments, usually mediate and long, lasting results. The procedure requires only 6 to 10 treatments consisting of 15 to 20 minutes each. Most clients experience, noticeable reductions, after a single session with increasing results after each visit.


  1. How is CoolSculpting performed?

    The CoolSculpting applicator is applied to one area of unwanted focal fat at a time. This typically involves one or more of the following areas: abdomen, hips, bra-fat, inner/outer thighs, or chin. Using vacuum suction, the device gently draws tissue with unwanted fat into a chamber. Controlled cooling is then delivered to the treatment area, and the fat cells undergo “cryolypolysis” (cell death) due to freezing, while the surrounding tissue is unharmed.

  2. Is CoolSculpting painful?

    There is some mild, temporary discomfort due to the initiation of strong suction and extreme cold. You may experience sensations of pulling, mild pinching, tingling, stinging or cramping. However, as the temperature falls, there is a numbing effect and most patients sit comfortably during the treatment reading, watching television, or even napping.

  3. Will the fat come back?

    The total number of fat cells in your body is constant once you reach adulthood. These cells will get bigger or smaller as you gain or lose weight, but the number of cells remains the same. CoolSculpting destroys fat cells in the treated area and they are eliminated for good. So, it actually reduces the total number of fat cells you have in your body, and makes it so your body cannot store as much fat in the treated area as you could have before, leaving that area “sculpted” even if you gain weight in the future.

  4. How long does it take to see results?

    Results may be seen as early as 1 to 3 months after treatment. You will initially experience some mild inflammation and swelling to the treated area. This should resolve within one to two weeks, then it will take another few weeks to see a noticeable difference.